Phone Numbers (SMS)


SMS login functionality is currently supported for a limited set of countries. Please reach out to your point of contact if you need support in more countries.

You can allow your users to get a wallet for their existing phone numbers, and log in using their phone number in addition to their email. To enable this, turn on the Enable Phone Number Login setting in your app's User Walletsetting under the Authentication Settings section.

Reason shown to the user in the confirmation dialog

Enable SMS Login



SMS login incurs an additional cost compared to email login.

Please factor this into your decision based on your application's budget and user base.

In addition to your current usage plan, if you use the phone number-based authentication, MetaKeep will transparently pass through the following charges from our carriers based on the number of SMS sent for user authentication. You can find price per SMS for supported countries below:

  1. Belgium: 0.096 USD
  2. Finland: 0.101 USD
  3. France: 0.07 USD
  4. Germany: 0.089 USD
  5. Iceland: 0.097 USD
  6. India: 0.069 USD
  7. Indonesia: 0.364 USD
  8. Italy: 0.075 USD
  9. Luxembourg: 0.085 USD
  10. Malaysia: 0.13 USD
  11. Netherlands: 0.119 USD
  12. Norway: 0.087 USD
  13. Philippines: 0.16 USD
  14. Poland: 0.033 USD
  15. Portugal: 0.03 USD
  16. South Korea: 0.025 USD
  17. Spain: 0.061 USD
  18. Sweden: 0.073 USD
  19. Switzerland: 0.052 USD
  20. Thailand: 0.013 USD
  21. UK: 0.039 USD
  22. US: 0.009 USD
  23. Vietnam: 0.14 USD

Note that the prices are subject to change. Based on the enterprise contract terms you entered into with MetaKeep, if you have an independent ability to send SMS, MetaKeep can use your infrastructure for your account.

Please note that thanks to the patent protections of MetaKeep, which allow for accounts to be created with deferred authentication of the accounts, you can create wallets for billions of people at your standard plan terms, with NO incidental charge of SMS. An SMS will only be sent when the end-user makes their first transaction.