iOS Installation


Mobile iOS SDK requires iOS 14.0 or higher, Xcode 14.0 or higher, and Swift 5.0 or higher.


Let us know if want us to support older versions of iOS.


Mobile iOS SDK is available as a Swift Package at the official MetaKeep repository. To install it, add the package to your Xcode project.

Navigate to File > Add Packages and enter the repository URL.


Add package through the File menu


Enter repository URL

Then, select the dependency rule as Up to Next Major Version and choose version 2.0.3. Finally, click Add Package and the SDK will be added as a dependency to your project.


Select the dependency rule and click Add Package

Configure custom URL scheme

MetaKeep uses a custom URL scheme to send data back to your app after the user's operation.

Navigate to the Info tab of your app target settings in XCode. In the URL Types section, click the button to add a new URL. Enter the following values:

  • Identifier: metakeep

Create new URL Type

Capture callback URL

Configure your app to handle the callback URL. The URL is invoked by MetaKeep after the user's operation. The URL contains the result of the operation.

To capture the callback URL, add the following code depending on the app UI lifecycle you are using:

import MetaKeep // import MetaKeep SDK

    .onOpenURL { url in // Add onOpenURL handler.
        MetaKeep.companion.resume(url: url.description) // Send callback to MetaKeep SDK
// SceneDelegate.swift
import MetaKeep // import MetaKeep SDK

func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>) {
    guard let url = URLContexts.first?.url else { return }
    MetaKeep.companion.resume(url: url.description) // Send callback to MetaKeep SDK
// AppDelegate.swift
import MetaKeep // import MetaKeep SDK

func application(_ app: UIApplication,
                 open url: URL,
                 options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any]) -> Bool {
    MetaKeep.companion.resume(url: url.description) // Send callback to MetaKeep SDK
    return true

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